Come join us for our annual Conspiracy of Strange Girls art show. The theme is liminality featuring artwork about change, new beginnings, transitions, and thresholds. We will be unveiling the work with an opening reception on Saturday, January 19th and the work will be on display until January 27th.
Artspace Jackson Flats
901 18 1/2 Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418
Opening Reception: January 19th, 6PM to 10PM.
Gallery Hours: Wednesday to Friday, 6 PM to 9PM.
Saturday and Sunday, Noon to 5PM.
The past year was a challenging one for many, myself included. Life was on the cusp of substantial change. My son entered adulthood after graduating from high school. I was anxious about the future and felt paralyzed by all the unknowns. This was only compounded by health problems. I was literally suffocating, courtesy of a black mold infestation in our previous home. My birthday was spent with a pulmonary specialist. Moving to a different home was my only path to getting healthy again. And it was only then I was able to focus on what comes next. I toyed around with these themes for the Liminal show. Below is a preview of my new work.