When I was pregnant with my son I went into panic-nesting mode and bought a house in Saint Paul. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. That house gave me 12 years of stress but I don’t regret my choice. It also gave us plenty of joy. Parts of that city are quirky. Our house on the West Side was on a block without alleys. That meant our backyard bled right into the backyard of the people behind us. Our house was also up on a hill so in the winter we used to sled right in our own yard. One day, when my son was wee, we accidentally sledded all the way into our neighbors’ yard. And that’s how we met the best people ever. Their daughter and my son were inseparable! Until they outgrow their house. Thankfully we kept in touch even after they moved away. I took their daughter’s senior high school photos back in 2015. And, more recently, their son’s. Sadly we scheduled the shoot on the stickiest, most humid August day ever. But I think we still got some fun shots.