My last post expressed concern over the Soap Factory’s fate (a local, beloved arts institution). Apparently I wasn’t the only one worried. Due to the outpouring of support and concern for the Soap Factory during the last few weeks, the board has decided to host a town hall meeting, where community members can hear directly […]
Cruising Altitude and Attitude

Last weekend CNN aired Anthony Bourdain’s final Parts Unknown episode. I’m all kinds of sad about his death. And recently binge watched more episodes I hadn’t seen before from other seasons. They’re all wonderful and bittersweet. In October I enjoyed another remarkable solo trip. To Ireland and Italy. It’s interesting and frustrating how I’m treated […]
Time In Common

Somewhere along the way I became a morning person. I can’t quite pinpoint it. Motherhood isn’t to blame, since my adult son is turning 19 in just a few days. Guess it’s just my advancing age. This season of my life finds me at work by 7am daily and in bed by 10pm. Hard to […]
Summer’s Long Shadow

This summer started off with so much promise, with my son’s high school graduation and subsequent party. But things quickly went downhill from there. There have been many missteps, some on my part, but mostly factors out of our control. We had to move suddenly from our home of 4+ years due to an unabated […]

We marked the Summer Solstice last week and it’s been on my mind. Meteorological Summer has begun in Minnesota, but this was a particularly oddball year without a Spring. I’ve lived here all my life but I’m still taken aback often by the weather extremes. And my friends who live elsewhere are downright alarmed by […]
Hothouse Flowers

When I woke up Friday morning I checked my weather app then dressed in multiple layers, like a good Minnesotan. And left for work in the dark with temperatures of -10 and windchill -25. Not so great for the body or soul. Same goes for watching extra bleak Black Mirror episodes in the dead of […]
Emerging Adulthood

To quote Douglas Adams, “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” Thankfully we just squeaked in ahead of one. My son is a high school senior this school year. How that happened so quickly, I don’t know. But I do know I’ve always planned to take his senior […]
Get Ready for Rush Hour

It’s been too long since I’ve posted here. I could point the finger. Blame it on instagram. Or on the notion that time speeds up as we get older (it may seem cliche but research backs me up on this). No matter the excuse it’s time to refocus on my photography. My creative outlets are […]