Trick or treat, trick or treat, the bitter and the sweet Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. This Fall has been so very busy, and so very warm, that it sort of snuck up on me. Initially in the form of unexpected doppelganger strangeness. I was out last Saturday night, wrapping up a wedding […]
Autumn Leaves

A Tale of Two Henrys Fall is my favorite time of year. The changing of the leaves, the onset of sweater weather, and my most favorite of all holidays – Halloween! I love it all. And I was thrilled when asked to take outdoor portraits during this season for not one but two little boys […]
Deep Breathing
Watch Me Jumpstart This morning I took a break from my usual hectic routine. To pause for just a moment. And to take a few deep breaths. I allowed myself to enjoy the relative calm of Como Lake. Sure, there were your usual joggers and dog walkers and baby stroller pushers on the paths, but […]
As American As
Apple Orchard Season Fall is my favorite time of year in the upper Midwest. Leaves change color. Foods like pumpkin, squash and apples come into season. And apple orchards everywhere open up to the public for hay rides and corn mazes and other activities. Last Sunday I took a break from trip prep to take […]
See The Leaves
Falling Forward Weather in the Upper Midwest is always unusual. This year we enjoyed a particularly mild summer, followed by a somewhat intense Indian Summer but then it jumped straight to snow, like a record skipping a groove. Last week my son and I took our annual trek to Duluth, MN for his October school […]
Fall is My Favorite
Sunday Afternoon Adventuring It is officially Fall now and Fall in Minnesota is my favorite of all seasons. Today my son and I took a daytrip out to the lovely Big Stone Mini Golf in Mound, MN, before heading to the nearby Minnetonka Apple Orchards in Minnetrista. The weather was predictably unpredictable. Winds so strong […]