Not Forever

School’s Out…For Summer Today is my son’s last day of school. Not forever, and not even until Fall really. But every year I get the Alice Cooper song stuck in my head. I am still annoyed the Minneapolis Public Schools start each new school year the week before Labor Day. I would rather have my […]


Heliotrope Nine at The Lab Theater I’m still in happy blissed-out mode after three days of Heliotrope – an annual experimental music festival. This year marked its 9th installment. The week before a “Players Without Instruments” interview was posted with me, where I tried to namedrop Heliotrope as much as possible as it really is […]

Dynamic Duos

Another Walk About, After Dark Intentionally or subconsciously…lately I’ve been shooting plenty of pairings. Often completely random – or random-ish – in compelling combinations. Friends, lovers, co-workers, but also people meeting for the first time. I’d like to do more of the latter. Another photo project to assign myself!