A Tale of Two Henrys Fall is my favorite time of year. The changing of the leaves, the onset of sweater weather, and my most favorite of all holidays – Halloween! I love it all. And I was thrilled when asked to take outdoor portraits during this season for not one but two little boys […]
Little By Little

Such a Tease, Such a Flirt Ahh, hazy lazy summer and too many half-formed drafts hanging out over here. Time to post something! July may have been unbearably hot and humid but it was also jam-packed with many lovely musical happenings. Here’s a sampling of what I enjoyed. Rifflord at the Hack Factory’s Handmade Music […]
Pretty In Pink

Isn’t She? The bride really was pretty in (pale) pink. I love that dress! And what a delightful couple to work with. Though we’d all been doing a bit of hand wringing ahead of time. This outdoor wedding had the misfortune of being scheduled smack dab in the midst of near-monsoon rains. But Minnesota-style, of […]
Sweet and Savory

It Isn’t All Cake Last Spring a couple of my friends embarked on a grand adventure, opening a business together. Running a business isn’t easy and life is about change. One of the original owners, Sheela Namakkal, has taken a once in a lifetime position with The Bleeding Heart Bakery in Chicago. Rather than shutting […]
Flying High

Winter Fun With Strings Attached Minnesotans must find unique ways to entertain themselves over the long winters. Some are into snowmobiling, skiing, snowboarding, ice fishing. I prefer the more inexpensive yet creative options. Yesterday we braved the sub-zero windchills, bundled up in snowpants, to toddle around on Lake Harriet for the 10th Annual Kite Festival. […]

Dashing Through The Snow It’s been slowly building in the back of our minds. Even before Halloween had ended Target employees were sneaking in their holiday merch just an aisle over, to plant the seeds in our thoughts. Now the snow is flying, albeit mixed with freezing rain, and Thanksgiving is this week! With Black […]
Adult Books
Labor / Leisure in the Common Room Wednesday night I attended another fine event at The Soap Factory (guess I’ve been gushing a lot about them, but I do appreciate the space). I joined others in The Common Room as “Adult Books” (Casey Deming, John Jerry, Jennifer Jerry, Tom Kaczynski, Ginny Maki, Anna Tsantir and […]
Local Flavor
Xpos and Experiences The first annual Minneapolis Indie Xpo was a smashing success, despite the oppressive heat and humidity. It was steamy hot inside The Soap Factory, which threatened to melt the frosting off The Donut Cooperative’s tasty offerings, but it didn’t seem to keep the crowds away. We visited with many friends and acquaintances […]
Sweet Success
Let Them Eat Cake Yesterday marked the grand opening of Cake Eater Bakery, by two of my friends, in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis. And it was crazy crowded! Area residents and other local fans are definitely embracing this long-anticipated new venture. And you can embrace them too. Check out their site, follow them on […]
No Regrets

Land of the Freaks Despite or because of problems swirling around me, music still remains my constant. I can lose myself in it and forget my troubles for a bit. Thankfully my Saturday night was jam packed with a musical cornucopia. After too many missed opportunities I finally bore witness to King Khan and The […]