Weekends of Weddings The past few years I’ve had the opportunity to shoot many lovely weddings. Being that this is Minnesota, though, even the hardiest of us prefer to hold/attend weddings during milder weather. So it’s generally a seasonal gig. Which means many couples are scrambling for the most desirable time slots at the best […]
See The Leaves
Falling Forward Weather in the Upper Midwest is always unusual. This year we enjoyed a particularly mild summer, followed by a somewhat intense Indian Summer but then it jumped straight to snow, like a record skipping a groove. Last week my son and I took our annual trek to Duluth, MN for his October school […]
Memetic Density
The Great Minnesota Get Together It’s MN State Fair time and local bloggers are abuzz about all the new offerings and old standards. I have my own personal favorites, food and attraction-wise. My son and I spent a solid seven hours there Friday and yet I still missed a few things. We skipped the Midway […]
Art Shanties
Victory Over the Sun This winter just keeps on keeping on. It was -3°F when we left the house this morning. And my son has been marking the days off on his calendar and essentially asking “are we there yet?” on a regular basis. No son, not just yet. But soon. Very soon.
City Predators

Fun In A Muddy Field Last Sunday I went on a little field trip with my friends’ band, The Chambermaids, to a place I hadn’t heard of before. The Franconia Sculpture Park just outside of the Twin Cities. I’m pretty pleased with the results. Bonus: Some more photos, from their show at Eclipse Records last […]
la la la
Spinning Closer to the Sun Ah, daylight savings. Time to spring ahead to “exploit sunlight after working hours.” Too bad the initial shift wreaks havoc with my son’s sleep schedule. But there will be much to look forward to. Like further pizza farm adventures in Stockholm, WI.