It was a brutally long winter but signs of life are all around us, finally. I stuck with my daily lunch walks nearly every day through the cold months but during the coldest snaps I stuck to a treadmill. Walking in place staring out a window is not for me. I love watching the changes […]
Not Forever

School’s Out…For Summer Today is my son’s last day of school. Not forever, and not even until Fall really. But every year I get the Alice Cooper song stuck in my head. I am still annoyed the Minneapolis Public Schools start each new school year the week before Labor Day. I would rather have my […]
Northward Equinox

Springing Ahead The Walker Art Center’s Sculpture Garden has long been one of my favorite places in Minneapolis (along with the Walker itself). I clearly remember my first visit, on a field trip with my suburban (but nearly rural) school. It just felt magical. Like a creative oasis. I started visiting on my own as […]
poisson d’avril

9th Annual Fools Day Variety Show Spring sprang and suddenly it’s April. Which means today is APRIL FOOLS DAY. A day I generally try to ignore (ever since my son learned about whoopee cushions) but this year we were invited to a backyard variety show. Billed as “a time for feeling foolish, and acting on […]
Pretty In Pink

Isn’t She? The bride really was pretty in (pale) pink. I love that dress! And what a delightful couple to work with. Though we’d all been doing a bit of hand wringing ahead of time. This outdoor wedding had the misfortune of being scheduled smack dab in the midst of near-monsoon rains. But Minnesota-style, of […]
In Dangerous Flirts
Love Comes In Spurts Spring is approaching. The sunlight is growing stronger and warmer and our world is thawing. The warmup brings relief and giddiness and anticipation of more good things to come. Regularly relaxing on the front porch. Playing outside with my son. Road trips to the aforementioned pizza farm. The painting of a […]
la la la
Spinning Closer to the Sun Ah, daylight savings. Time to spring ahead to “exploit sunlight after working hours.” Too bad the initial shift wreaks havoc with my son’s sleep schedule. But there will be much to look forward to. Like further pizza farm adventures in Stockholm, WI.