Too Much of a Good Thing In Minnesota it is Mother Nature who is the supreme authority. Plans can be tentatively made but ultimately? They must be rubber-stamped by her. And she can be a cruel cruel mistress. Take last Saturday. I had lined up back-to-back sessions with families around the metro area, and had […]
Twin Cities

Dashing Through The Snow It’s been slowly building in the back of our minds. Even before Halloween had ended Target employees were sneaking in their holiday merch just an aisle over, to plant the seeds in our thoughts. Now the snow is flying, albeit mixed with freezing rain, and Thanksgiving is this week! With Black […]
As American As
Apple Orchard Season Fall is my favorite time of year in the upper Midwest. Leaves change color. Foods like pumpkin, squash and apples come into season. And apple orchards everywhere open up to the public for hay rides and corn mazes and other activities. Last Sunday I took a break from trip prep to take […]
Adult Books
Labor / Leisure in the Common Room Wednesday night I attended another fine event at The Soap Factory (guess I’ve been gushing a lot about them, but I do appreciate the space). I joined others in The Common Room as “Adult Books” (Casey Deming, John Jerry, Jennifer Jerry, Tom Kaczynski, Ginny Maki, Anna Tsantir and […]
Local Flavor
Xpos and Experiences The first annual Minneapolis Indie Xpo was a smashing success, despite the oppressive heat and humidity. It was steamy hot inside The Soap Factory, which threatened to melt the frosting off The Donut Cooperative’s tasty offerings, but it didn’t seem to keep the crowds away. We visited with many friends and acquaintances […]
Love Is In The Air
Move the Heart, Switch the Pace Love is in the air. As well as lots and lots of moisture. Saturday morning I woke to rain. I feared I would have to reschedule a lovely couple’s engagement shoot. But they were flexible and we waited it out. Sure enough the clouds parted and the sun re-appeared […]